Cyberpunk 2077: The sequel could bring back a removed element from the first game

CD Projekt RED talks about its upcoming plans

Cyberpunk 2077: The sequel could bring back a removed element from the first game

CD Projekt RED talks about its upcoming plans

Cyberpunk 2077 is a case study. Since its announcement in 2013, it captured the attention of thousands of players, but the excitement turned into frustration after a 2020 release that was plagued with errors and issues. CD Projekt RED worked hard to salvage the project, and they succeeded. Now, they are already thinking about its sequel.

At the end of 2022, the Polish studio revealed that they are working on a new installment in their science fiction franchise. The game is codenamed Project Orion and is currently in the conceptual phase, with a release that seems quite distant. Now, they have disclosed more details.

In a conversation with the Reuters media, Michal Nowakowski, co-CEO of CDPR, talked about the company's upcoming plans. He revealed that they expect The Witcher 4, the new installment in the franchise, to start its production in 2024. "By mid-year, we would like about 400 people to work on the project," he commented.

The Cyberpunk 2077 sequel could have multiplayer elements

The executive, who leads the Polish studio alongside Adam Badowski, confirmed in the interview that they are currently considering the possibility of incorporating multiplayer elements into the sequel of Cyberpunk 2077. Unfortunately, he refrained from sharing more details about it.

Judging by Michal Nowakowski's words, there are still many questions in the air regarding the new installment in the science fiction saga. Thus, it is unknown what online elements will be incorporated, if any at all. However, CD Projekt RED could take the opportunity to bring back the canceled multiplayer mode from the first game.

In 2022, Philipp Weber, the mission design director of Cyberpunk 2077, revealed that the multiplayer component was discarded as a consequence of the troubled and error-filled launch. Specifically, he confirmed that the priority was to rescue the single-player experience.

"With Cyberpunk, we wanted to do a lot of things at the same time, and we just needed to really focus and say okay, what is the most important part? Yes, it's the single-player, let's make that really good," said the creative.

But tell us, would you like the new installment to have an online component? Let us know in the comments.


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