Hi-Fi RUSH coming soon to PlayStation 5 and will no longer be exclusive to Xbox

The port for Sony's console already has release date

Hi-Fi RUSH coming soon to PlayStation 5 and will no longer be exclusive to Xbox

The port for Sony's console already has release date

After several rumors, this morning it was confirmed what many gamers were expecting: Hi-Fi RUSH will no longer be exclusive to Xbox and will be coming to more platforms. A few moments ago, it was revealed that the title from Bethesda Softworks and Tango Gameworks will debut on PlayStation 5 very soon.

Hi-Fi RUSH will arrive to PlayStation 5 in March

Through a trailer, Bethesda and Tango Gameworks informed that Hi-Fi RUSH will be playable on PlayStation 5 starting next month. To be exact, the title will be available on Sony's console next March 18.

It is worth noting that only a PlayStation 5 port was confirmed and that, for now, there is no further indication of the rumored Nintendo Switch version. Many gamers expected it to be one of the announcements of today's Direct, but it didn't happen.

It is important to clarify something: everything indicates that the reveal of the PlayStation 5 port was made earlier than expected by mistake. The reveal trailer was posted on Bethesda LATAM's YouTube channel; however, it was removed shortly after.

The reveal as such is expected to be made later in the day. Despite this situation, it is a fact that Tango Gameworks' title will be coming to other platforms very soon.

The announcement video was taken down by Bethesda
The announcement video was taken down by Bethesda


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