Borderlands will have a cinematic universe that expands its lore

Randy Pitchford assured that the first movie is just the beginning

Borderlands will have a cinematic universe that expands its lore

Randy Pitchford assured that the first movie is just the beginning

Borderlands will soon expand its horizons with a live-action movie that looks promising to many fans. Randy Pitchford, founder of Gearbox and producer of the film, is excited about the project and hinted that it is just the beginning.

He revealed that one of his goals is to create an entire cinematic universe for the franchise. To achieve this, he wants to make several films and use them to explore a new part of the saga that hasn't necessarily been seen in the games.

Gearbox wants to expand the Borderlands universe with movies

Borderlands will have a cinematic universe
Borderlands will have a cinematic universe

From Pitchford's perspective, the world and characters of Borderlands still have much to offer. For this reason, he made it clear that the franchise's films will form a cinematic universe that will stand out from the video games.

"So this is not Borderlands 1. This is not Borderlands 2. The Borderlands movie is the first of the Borderlands Cinematic Universe, and you'll see some characters from its different parts, from what you might know from the video games," the creative affirmed.

He added that this new project opens the doors for them to expand and delve into various elements of the franchise. Also, he emphasized that the first film will have a serious tone but also touches of comedy and irreverent humor.

"It gives us an opportunity to go deeper and expand a bit. You never met the CEO of Atlas Corporation, and you will meet that character for the first time in the Borderlands movie, and his name is Deukalian Atlas.

"We deal with serious things, and there are real human emotions, and it's a story about the family you form rather than the family you're born into, and about dealing with loyalty, alliances, and real things. There are real things here. But it's also a comedy," Pitchford added.


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