Marvel Rivals, the Overwatch with superheroes, will have an Alpha, how to register?

NetEase Games revealed the date and first details of the closed test

Marvel Rivals, the Overwatch with superheroes, will have an Alpha, how to register?

NetEase Games revealed the date and first details of the closed test

NetEase Games and Marvel Games surprised this morning with the revelation of Marvel Rivals, a competitive title starring iconic superheroes. Some players will have the opportunity to test the title before its release, as a Closed Alpha was announced. How to participate? We'll tell you below.

When will the Marvel Rivals Closed Alpha be held and how to participate?

Marvel Rivals will have a closed Alpha
Marvel Rivals will have a closed Alpha

Through a press release, the companies announced that they are working on a closed Alpha of their competitive team-based title. Thanks to this, selected PC players will be able to get the first glimpse of its mechanics and action.

For now there is no specific date for the test; however, we know that it will take place sometime in May. The Alpha will allow players to control important superheroes such as Black Panther, Spider-Man, Magneto and Magiky to learn about their abilities.

Now, how can you participate? As this is a closed test, only selected players will be able to access it. The studios have already opened a site to receive registrations and then choose the lucky ones.

Just go to this link and fill out a form. In it you will be asked several questions, such as what region you live in, what genres of video games you enjoy the most and which PvP shooters you usually play the most on PC. You will also be asked for an email, where you will be notified if you were one of the chosen ones.

It is expected that the title will have other similar tests in the future before its official release. However, for now there is no information in this regard. We will keep you informed about any news.


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