"We're at the top", Jim Ryan is confident about PlayStation's future despite the current crisis

The executive highlighted the success of PlayStation 5 in the history of the brand

"We're at the top", Jim Ryan is confident about PlayStation's future despite the current crisis

The executive highlighted the success of PlayStation 5 in the history of the brand

The Jim Ryan era at PlayStation came to an end this week, as the executive left the company after a career that spanned decades. The executive bid farewell to the community in the company's most recent podcast, where he spoke about the brand's promising future.

Ryan was totally satisfied with what PlayStation has achieved so far. He emphasized the huge success of PlayStation 5 and stated that it will undoubtedly be their most successful console. He was also excited about what's next for the brand after investing in its studios and major acquisitions.

Jim Ryan bids farewell to PlayStation with a motivational message

Jim Ryan sees a bright future for PlayStation
Jim Ryan sees a bright future for PlayStation

It's no secret that PlayStation is going through a difficult time. Its release schedule leaves much to be desired and it recently stumbled with its games-as-a-service strategy. Despite this, its business is still in the green and its sales are going from strength to strength.

Because of this, Jim Ryan believes that the brand's future is bright and that it will achieve even greater things. In his farewell message, he highlighted the success of PlayStation 5. He stated that the experience offered by the system is the best they have offered so far. For such reason, he is proud of what has been achieved with the console.

"I'd say that right now, we're at the top of our game. PlayStation 5 [is] well on-track to be our most successful console ever, across multiple vectors. I think the games and gaming experiences you see on [PS5], lead by PS Studios, are the best that we've ever seen," the executive said.

On the other hand, Ryan also highlighted the games on offer for PlayStation 5 for their enormous variety. He stated that the future looks promising thanks to the investments they have made in several of their studios and also due to recent acquisitions.

"The number of games we've published so far on [PS5], at this point in the cycle, way exceeds anything that we've ever done before, and with all the investment that we've put into the studios, and the acquisitions that we've made, that is only going to accelerate and snowball. We sit in a position of strength, and I think the future is bright," Ryan added.


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