“It will shut down in less than a year,” players criticize Concord and call it an Overwatch clone

Firewalk Studios did not convince many PlayStation fans with the reveal of their project

“It will shut down in less than a year,” players criticize Concord and call it an Overwatch clone

Firewalk Studios did not convince many PlayStation fans with the reveal of their project

The State of Play of this week began with the reveal of Concord, the new franchise from PlayStation and Firewalk Studios. The title initially caught players' attention with its reveal trailer; however, everything changed when gameplay was shown, confirming it to be a team-based shooter.

As a result, many players expressed disappointment and once again criticized PlayStation's focus on multiplayer titles and games-as-a-service. Some people believe that Concord is a simple clone of Overwatch, predicting it will shut down shortly after its release.

PlayStation fans are unhappy with Concord

Concord divided fan opinion with its reveal
Concord divided fan opinion with its reveal

Some fans found the game's universe and characters, clearly inspired by Guardians of the Galaxy, to be appealing. There are those who believe a single-player game would have been great, but they are disappointed that Concord is a multiplayer offering.

Some people think it simply looks like an Overwatch clone but with less attractive characters. Players are not optimistic and predict that Concord won't last long and will join the graveyard of games-as-a-service just months after its release.

Concord is essentially PlayStation's attempt to make their own Overwatch now that Xbox owns Blizzard. Sorry, but I'm not interested at all,” “It will shut down in less than a year,” and “Remember the name Concord, because in 24 months you'll forget it ever existed,” are some of the comments on social media.

The discontent over the game is reflected in the numbers of its reveal videos. The cinematic trailer recorded 2500 likes versus 8400 dislikes in minutes. Meanwhile, the gameplay video had 2800 likes versus 13,000 dislikes.

Concord will have an open beta in July and will officially debut on August 23. Without a doubt, the beta will be very important as it will allow players to get a better idea of its mechanics and decide if they will give it a chance.

Players doubt Concord's future
Players doubt Concord's future


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