Xbox Game Pass confirms a major Capcom game and 5 other titles for July

Significant games will arrive on Microsoft's service from their release date

Xbox Game Pass confirms a major Capcom game and 5 other titles for July

Significant games will arrive on Microsoft's service from their release date

June isn't over yet, but Xbox Game Pass is already preparing exciting titles for July. At the time of writing, prominent companies have confirmed a total of 6 titles that will arrive on Microsoft's service next month. There will be significant day 1 releases from companies like Capcom, 11 bit studios, A44 Games, and more.

What games will Xbox Game Pass receive in July?

More great games are coming to Xbox Game Pass in July
More great games are coming to Xbox Game Pass in July

The big news for Xbox Game Pass next month is Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess, a Capcom title that blends action mechanics with strategy elements. What's intriguing is that it will be one of the day 1 releases on July.

In the same vein is Frostpunk 2, a highly anticipated sequel that will be available from its debut on PC Game Pass. This survival title has generated high expectations due to the success of its predecessor, making it a significant addition to the service.

The day 1 releases don't stop there, as Xbox Game Pass will also welcome Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn and Dungeons of Hinterberg, action-adventure titles that will bring engaging experiences to the service's catalog for consoles and PC.

Indie games will also have their place in July with Magical Delicacy and Flock. It's important to note that Xbox Game Pass will receive even more games next month, but we'll have to wait for Microsoft to confirm them. Below is the list of confirmed titles so far:

July 16:

  • Flock
  • Magical Delicacy

July 18:

  • Dungeons of Hinterberg
  • Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

July 19:

  • Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess

July 25:

  • Frostpunk 2


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