Roblox is accused of exploiting minors, leading this country to ban it to "protect its children"

Roblox Corporation responded to the ban of its popular game

Roblox is accused of exploiting minors, leading this country to ban it to "protect its children"

Roblox Corporation responded to the ban of its popular game

Various investigations claim that Roblox is a potential danger for minors, as the platform lacks the necessary measures to ensure the safety of all its users. This creates an environment where abusers can target underage players.

One of the most recent reports on the matter states that incidents against underage players increased by 300% in one year. This alarmed some authorities, leading them to ban the game in a country after conducting an investigation.

Turkey bans Roblox after investigation

Players in Turkey can no longer access Roblox
Players in Turkey can no longer access Roblox

As of today, players in Turkey can no longer access Roblox or any application associated with the popular platform. This decision was made by the country's authorities after reviewing the results of an investigation conducted by the Adana Chief Public Prosecutor's Office.

The agency concluded that Roblox is a potential danger to the children of Turkey, as they are aware of the cases and practices of exploitation. The government believes that the game will negatively affect the development of their children and promote violence.

"Access to the game platform named Roblox and its links in the application markets has been blocked by the Adana 6th Criminal Court of Peace. Attempts to undermine our social structure, abuse of children, encouragement of violence, and activities that will negatively affect the development of our children, each of whom is a precious gift, will never be allowed,," said Yılmaz Tunç, Turkey's Minister of Justice.

Roblox Corporation responds to the ban in Turkey

Roblox Corporation is already aware of Turkey's decision to ban its popular platform. The company has committed to working together with the country's authorities to ensure that Roblox can be reactivated for its players.

For now, the company has not revealed what possible measures it will take to have the platform reinstated in the country. It is worth noting that authorities in other regions have also expressed concern about the platform and its impact on minors.

“We respect the laws and regulations in countries where we operate and share local lawmakers’ commitment to children. We look forward to working together to ensure Roblox is back online in Türkiye as soon as possible," the company stated.


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