“No one pays me to do what he says,” Sarah Bond and Phil Spencer had clashes while working together at Xbox; this is how they resolved their differences.

The executive revealed how they overcame this obstacle for the sake of the brand

“No one pays me to do what he says,” Sarah Bond and Phil Spencer had clashes while working together at Xbox; this is how they resolved their differences.

The executive revealed how they overcame this obstacle for the sake of the brand

url=https://www.levelup.com/tag/Sarah%20Bond]Sarah Bond[/url] and Phil Spencer have gradually become the faces of Xbox. Both executives have stood out for their leadership in Microsoft’s gaming division and have had to overcome countless challenges to bring the brand to where it is now.

Thanks to a new report, we know that the president of Xbox and the head of Microsoft Gaming have had their share of differences throughout their careers. Specifically, it was revealed that Bond had some difficulties adapting to Spencer’s directives. Fortunately, both decided to resolve their differences in a very professional manner so as not to jeopardize their work or the future of Xbox.

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Sarah Bond and Phil Spencer resolved their differences for the sake of Xbox

Phil Spencer and Sarah Bond have taken Xbox to a new level
Phil Spencer and Sarah Bond have taken Xbox to a new level

According to the report, Sarah Bond and Phil Spencer clashed repeatedly. The executive didn’t quite like the communication style of the head of Microsoft Gaming, while Bond’s vision for certain matters surprised several members of Xbox, including Spencer.

The executives knew they had to resolve their differences to move forward and take Xbox to another level. So, they sought advice from Microsoft’s human resources department to improve their interactions and overall working relationship.

“At first, Bond and Spencer’s personal styles clashed, and both sought guidance from Kathleen Hogan, Microsoft’s HR director, a somewhat unusual decision that Hogan found admirable. Bond recalls that Spencer and others at Microsoft told her that her tendency to 'go above and beyond' and 'not let anything slide' was new to them,” the report states.

In the end, Bond learned to better understand Spencer’s communication style, which initially made her feel insecure about what she needed to do. Fortunately, the executives resolved their differences and have excelled in their leadership at Xbox.

“She says she discovered that Spencer’s communication style sometimes left her uncertain about what he really wanted from her. At one point, she stuck a post-it note on her computer with some tips on how to interact with him. ‘No one pays me to do what he says. They pay me to do what he meant to say,’” concludes the report.

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